Friday, June 03, 2005

Summer of code

I have submitted EMANS & EMANS-OR for the Summer of Code thingie by google. I hope i get accepted.

EMANS (Extensible Mathematical Analyser for Numerical Solutions) & EMANS-OR

EMANS is a web-based mathematical software. It relies on other solvers -- which are the actual programs solving problems. EMANS will serve as a front-end to various mathematical softwares. The main objective is to give a user-friendly interface to solve Math problems.
EMANS-OR is a solver for EMANS that solves problems on Operations Research (linear/nonlinear/integer/dynamic programming problems, transportation/assignment problems, and multi-criteria decision making)

EMANS, basically, has three parts. (1) The core, (2) the glue, and (3) the solvers. (3) will be a collection of programs that can solve math problems. The information about how these solvers get input and show output is saved in configuration files, which are then interpreted by (2) and to make it be understandable to (1). (1) is the one responsible to make an html form to be filled up by the user to input the question; and will be responsible to show the solution/answer in html. This project will mostly involve text manipulation.
EMANS-OR however will be a glue+solver for EMANS. I'm still deciding whether to use Math::LP::Solve from CPAN, pycoin (a Python library for COIN-OR from IBM), or i code my own solver from scratch.

This started out as a project to replace a program by Hamdy A. Taha called TORA (Tool for Operations Research). We needed to replace it because the university's has cut the budget, which forbade us to use expensive licensed software (unless paid with our own money). With that, all the Operating Systems (previously, Windows) in the MathLab was replaced with GNU/Linux.
Since i was the student in Operations Research most familiar in GNU/Linux, i volunteered to make that my paper. However, i have barely put any work in it til now.


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